Registered Dietitian George Eisman gives presentations on “Eating for Your Health and the Health of the Planet” at two Penn State campuses On November 19 and 20, 2013, VAVA sponsored presentations at the Penn State – Altoona campus and the main State College campus respectively. Audiences of 35 – 40 students and community members each evening listened as […]
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Presentation at Farm Sanctuary
Registered Dietitian George Eisman Presents Educational Seminar to Farm Sanctuary Interns Eleven interns attended a seminar, November 13, 2013, on the “Health Benefits and Nutrition Realities of a Vegan Diet” at lunchtime today at the Farm Sanctuary Education Center in Orange, New York. His talk was sponsored by the Vegetarian and Vegan Association through a […]
Health effects of a vegetarian diet
SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH A VEGETARIAN DIET IS HEALTHY Heart Disease Vegetarians have the lowest rate of atherosclerotic heart disease of any group in the United States. Meat eaters have a ten times greater risk of breast and colon cancer than do pure vegetarians. Diabetes On a low fat vegetarian diet 90% of adult-onset […]
The Most Noble Diet
The Most Noble Diet: Introduction by George Eisman, Registered Dietitian We all have to eat. What we choose to eat depends on a variety of factors, which can be divided into two categories: availability and acceptability. In most affluent nations today, availability is largely a function of affordability, but time constraints often are a […]
Why Vegan?
Why Vegan? by George Eisman, Registered Dietitian Dec. 15, 2012 Many people ask me why a vegan diet is superior to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, or a diet that includes “a little fish and chicken”. I answer that totally plant-based foods carry no cholesterol and no artery-clogging saturated animal fats that are highly-related to increased incidence of […]
Plant Based Proteins Can Lower Cancer Risk
Evidence that Substituting Plant-Based proteins for animal foods Can Lower Cancer Risk Breast cancer Meat consumption- including poultry and fish – is associated with a significantly higher Breast cancer incidence rate. Each serving eaten per day on average increases risk by about 30%. European Journal of Cancer Prevention (17:39-47) High consumption of dairy products is associated with higher […]
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