Our society is permeated by violence. So many of the forms of violence that we see every day – injustice, poverty, crime, pollution of the environment, racism, even consumerism – are beyond our control as individuals. However, what is within our control is our own daily eating and buying habits. When we make nonviolent choices […]
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On Beyond Vegetarian – LOVE
Beyond not partaking in products made from animals’ bodies, we can also choose kinder foods in these ways: L-O-V-E –– Local, Organic, Vegan, Ethical Local Less transport; Support your neighbors. Eat what’s in season in your region. Be creative: every salad does not have to include lettuce. Organic Better for workers and environment. Even better: Veganic, […]

Nonviolence: Food as an Act of Compassion for Animals
What about compassion for animals? The central idea of nonviolent living is to cause as little suffering as possible in one’s lifetime. This practice, called Ahimsa in India, was made widely popular in western countries in the early 1980s, especially as the film Gandhi won an Academy Award in 1982. The animal rights movement in […]

Happy birthday, Albert Schweitzer
Today is Albert Schweitzer’s birthday (1875). He was a doctor, theologian, musician, philosopher, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1952), a great humanitarian… and, at least at some points in his life, a vegetarian. He built a hospital in Gabon, Africa, and worked there for many years. Schweitzer believed that all forms of life, not only […]

Reasons to Go Veg
Go veg for humanity, the planet, animals, and ourselves Average meat consumption in the U.S. has decreased 10% in the past few years. Why are more and more people choosing to go veg? • Go veg for humanity: Many more people can be fed on a vegan diet than on a meat- and dairy-centered diet. […]

Eating for Your Health and the Health of the Planet
Registered Dietitian George Eisman gives presentations on “Eating for Your Health and the Health of the Planet” at two Penn State campuses On November 19 and 20, 2013, VAVA sponsored presentations at the Penn State – Altoona campus and the main State College campus respectively. Audiences of 35 – 40 students and community members each evening listened as […]

Presentation at Farm Sanctuary
Registered Dietitian George Eisman Presents Educational Seminar to Farm Sanctuary Interns Eleven interns attended a seminar, November 13, 2013, on the “Health Benefits and Nutrition Realities of a Vegan Diet” at lunchtime today at the Farm Sanctuary Education Center in Orange, New York. His talk was sponsored by the Vegetarian and Vegan Association through a […]

Great American Meat-Out Day
Florida Events for Great American Meat-Out Day (March 20) Many informative events are taking place in four Florida cities this month as part of the No-Meat March celebration. This is a yearly festival that takes The Great American Meat-Out Day (March 20) .. a full 30 days further. VAVA is sending speakers to six of […]

Adequacy and healthfulness of veg diets
Adequacy and healthfulness of veg diets Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets – Abstract By Craig W.J., and Mangels, Reed, Journal of the American Dietetic Association. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009 Jul;109(7):1266-82. It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are […]

Meat raises risk of breast cancer
How Much Do Meat, Fish, and Poultry Raise Breast Cancer Risk? For each serving (3 ½ ounces) eaten on average per day: Total meat (including fish, chicken, and turkey): Up 31% Red meat : Up 52% Processed meat (hot dogs, bologna, etc.): Up 80% Source: European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2008. 17: 39-47. Since
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