Why promote veganism? Why ask individuals to consider making changes in their food choices, rather than work for change in institutions and government? And how to respond if people take offense at being asked to consider the ethical issues behind their daily choices? This thought-provoking guest post by Sarina Farb addresses these questions. Ms Farb […]
Tag Archives | compassion

Food Justice: The Real Victims

Growing Ahimsa Veganically
A guest post by Kelle Kersten, a friend and a compassionate person who is very knowledgeable about growing good food and causing the least harm to others in the process. In 2005 my husband and I set out to create Ahimsa Village, a vegan community and sustainable living education center, in the mountains of central […]

Nonviolence: Food as an Act of Compassion for Animals
What about compassion for animals? The central idea of nonviolent living is to cause as little suffering as possible in one’s lifetime. This practice, called Ahimsa in India, was made widely popular in western countries in the early 1980s, especially as the film Gandhi won an Academy Award in 1982. The animal rights movement in […]

Happy birthday, Albert Schweitzer
Today is Albert Schweitzer’s birthday (1875). He was a doctor, theologian, musician, philosopher, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1952), a great humanitarian… and, at least at some points in his life, a vegetarian. He built a hospital in Gabon, Africa, and worked there for many years. Schweitzer believed that all forms of life, not only […]
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