A Registered Dietitian explains why carbs in their natural form are the human body’s preferred fuel source by George Eisman, RD (co-written with Claire Holzner, MA) For many years carbohydrates have been maligned as something to avoid in our diets. It’s time to set this notion to rest, and appreciate the value of carbohydrates as […]
Tag Archives | nutrition

VAVA founder George Eisman interviewed in JVNA newsletter
VAVA founder George Eisman did an interview with the Jewish Vegetarians of North America (JVNA). He talks about why he eats a vegan diet, the links between cancer and foods from animal sources, funding of large organizations working on cancer issues, and how he finds free, nutritious food in his back yard! Read the […]

Presentation at Farm Sanctuary
Registered Dietitian George Eisman Presents Educational Seminar to Farm Sanctuary Interns Eleven interns attended a seminar, November 13, 2013, on the “Health Benefits and Nutrition Realities of a Vegan Diet” at lunchtime today at the Farm Sanctuary Education Center in Orange, New York. His talk was sponsored by the Vegetarian and Vegan Association through a […]

Radio interview: Vegan diets can be nutritionally adequate for everyone
George Eisman’s interview with Kutztown University Radio 15 minutes Listen at: http://www.mediafire.com/?fqcsi8ere6j96bs George Eisman (Registered Dietitian) recently gave a presentation on “Benefits and Risks Plant-based Diets” at Kuztown University in Kutztown, PA. Before the presentation, he did an interview with Kutztown University Radio. Mr. Eisman spoke about how vegan diets can be nutritionally adequate for everyone, […]

Adequacy and healthfulness of veg diets
Adequacy and healthfulness of veg diets Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets – Abstract By Craig W.J., and Mangels, Reed, Journal of the American Dietetic Association. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009 Jul;109(7):1266-82. It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are […]
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