Our Books

Three books by Registered Dietitian George Eisman are available for purchase on the shop page  http://vegetarianandvegan.org/shop/

1. The Most Noble Diet: Food Selection and Ethics – A guide to eating to lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and other life-threatening conditions, while helping to slow climate change, end world hunger, and reduce animal suffering. Includes food choice guidelines and six recipes. Foreword by Michael Klaper, MD.  New edition 2013.  51 pages indexed. — Price $18


2.  A Guide to Vegan Nutrition  – A comprehensive course in nutrition, based on the first U.S. credit-bearing college course in Vegetarian Studies, taught by George Eisman at Miami-Dade Community College in Florida.  160 pages, including practice tests, answer keys, illustrations, and index. This updated (2015) version is published by Vegan Publishers, professionally edited, designed, and illustrated. — Price $18

Also available from Vegan Publishers:  http://veganpublishers.com/multimedia-archive/a-guide-to-vegan-nutrition/

And from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Vegan-Nutrition-George-Eisman/dp/1940184126/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8


3.  Food Choices and Cancer: How Your Diet Affects Risk – Basic information on the links between animal product foods and risk of cancer in humans, and foundations of nutrition concepts.  2009 (new edition 2013). 112 pages indexed. — Price $20

For more information and excerpts from the books see:
