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The poor feed the rich

Global Justice and Ethics in Food Choices The highest level of consciousness in food selection includes consideration of not only our own health and environment, but of other human beings: future generations as well as those presently living on our planet. Unfortunately, in Western society, the “us vs them” paradigm pervades all fields of human […]

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Happy birthday, Albert Schweitzer

Today is Albert Schweitzer’s birthday (1875).  He was a doctor, theologian, musician, philosopher, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1952), a great humanitarian… and, at least at some points in his life, a vegetarian. He built a hospital in Gabon, Africa, and worked there for many years. Schweitzer believed that all forms of life, not only […]

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Animal products = unfair distribution of world resources

Many more people in the world can be fed if we eat plants instead of animals. When people in wealthy countries feed grain to farm animals so we can eat meat and dairy products, while people in poor countries don’t have enough grain or rice to eat, it is as if we wealthy people are […]

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Veganism Means Expansion, Not Restriction It may seem paradoxical that eliminating anything from your diet leads you to a more varied  and adventurous diet, but in the case of eliminating animal products, it’s true. Contrary to the  common misperception that vegan diets are limiting, once you are freed of the habit of seeing meals as […]

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VAVA founder George Eisman interviewed in JVNA newsletter

  VAVA founder George Eisman did an interview with the Jewish Vegetarians of North America (JVNA).  He talks about why he eats a vegan diet, the links between cancer and foods from animal sources, funding of large organizations working on cancer issues, and how he finds free, nutritious food in his back yard! Read the […]

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