In an authoritative report published by the World Watch institute in 2009, authors Goodland and Anhang concluded that over 51% of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions come from livestock. A widely cited 2006 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” estimated that about 18 percent of annual worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) […]
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Author Archive | Claire

As we sow, we reap
Have you noticed – We feed animals on farms so much grain and unnatural food that they become obese and unhealthy, and then we find that so many people in our society are obese and unhealthy. We take baby animals from their mothers and destroy their families and communities, and we find our families breaking […]

Dairy Industry Finally Feels the Pressure
An Associated Press article by Candice Choi describes the dairy industry’s response to growing disillusionment with dairy products (“Milk industry fights ‘anti-dairy folks,’” The Elmira (NY) Star-Gazette, 1/27/15). Julia Kadison of the Milk Processor Education Program is quoted as saying that the breaking point came in 2014 “when the British Medical Journal published a study suggesting drinking […]

Beef industry supporters call the environment an extraneous factor
In an Associated Press article by Mary Clare Jalonick (published in The Corning (NY) Leader on 1/3/15 ) “Beef gets downplayed in new dietary guidelines,” we are warned that we will “be told not only what foods are better for your own health, but also for the environment”…. and that means a push “for people […]

Veganism is an essential first step towards social justice
Veganism is much more than a dietary choice: it’s a philosophy. In fact, it’s more than a philosophy: it’s an ethical stance, and it’s just the basic first step we need to take before we can see justice among both human and non-human animals. A fascinating new book that makes this clear is Circles of Compassion: Essays […]
George Eisman’s blog: 2 — Why I Buy All I Can at Farmers’ Markets
Fresh produce is the healthiest food for us, and I choose to buy all that I can from local farmers at area farmers’ markets. There are many reasons for which I do this, including, of course, that it is the freshest, picked-most-ripe produce available, and therefore tastes best and has the highest nutrient content. Other, […]
George Eisman’s blog: 1 – Eat for good health
George Eisman’s Blog 8/22/14 – Number 1 I have spent my career giving talks about nutrition and the vegan diet: how being vegan, or moving in that direction, helps lower cancer risk, prevents animal suffering, benefits the environment, and helps alleviate food shortages. A few months ago, it was discovered that I had lung cancer […]

“Towards Ending Violence” — by Rich Kellman
Our society is permeated by violence. So many of the forms of violence that we see every day – injustice, poverty, crime, pollution of the environment, racism, even consumerism – are beyond our control as individuals. However, what is within our control is our own daily eating and buying habits. When we make nonviolent choices […]

On Beyond Vegetarian – LOVE
Beyond not partaking in products made from animals’ bodies, we can also choose kinder foods in these ways: L-O-V-E –– Local, Organic, Vegan, Ethical Local Less transport; Support your neighbors. Eat what’s in season in your region. Be creative: every salad does not have to include lettuce. Organic Better for workers and environment. Even better: Veganic, […]

Nonviolence: Food as an Act of Compassion for Animals
What about compassion for animals? The central idea of nonviolent living is to cause as little suffering as possible in one’s lifetime. This practice, called Ahimsa in India, was made widely popular in western countries in the early 1980s, especially as the film Gandhi won an Academy Award in 1982. The animal rights movement in […]
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